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Sunday 18 March 2012

Family Road Trip01

What an awesome Sunday we had today. Sharon and I got to have another sleep in today as Molly was at her grandparents at Thora for the second night in a row. Mum and Dad love having Molly stay over, she has truly stolen their hearts.
Our road trip today started around 10am when we took a quick drive to Woolgoolga. We checked out a local cafe there as a potential for breakfast but deciced that, even though it was a great setting, it was just a little too expensive. So, we climbed back into the car and headed into Coffs Harbour for breakfast at the Clog Barn. Sharon and Maddy had pancakes, which are huge by the way. I don't think most people could eat more than one.I had scrambled eggs on toast which was the best scrambled eggs I had ever gotten from a cafe. From there we did some shopping at Toormina then drove out to Bellingen for lunch with Mum and Dad, my sister Patsy-ann and her youngest son, Jonothan, and of course our Miss Molly. It was so good to see her again after her 2 night stay with Gran and Pa.
After lunch we headed out to Mum and Dad's to pick up Molly's stuff and for me to sort some stuff out with Mum's computer. When it was time to go we decided to take the long way home. That is up the mountain and through Dorrigo and taking the Coramba Road out through Megan and Ulong and back into Coffs Harbour through Coramba. Along the way we stopped off at a couple of spots along the way for photos. Molly was tired and didn't even make it half way up the Dorrigo mountain poor thing.
We had a great drive through some really beautiful scenery. It was great to get out and to just drive around and find spots that you can just pull up and take photos. I have really missed the joy of just going out with my girls and just driving around with no real plan. Yeah, sure, I had a route in mind but that was about it. All the stops were mostly unplanned and we got to see parts of the local area that none of us had ever seen before. It was really gorgeous up there on the back roads, everything was so clean, and so it should after all the rain we have had over the last 2 weeks. The creeks and the waterfalls were all flowing really well.
I really needed today. I really needed to get out and just go, with my family, and just explore. I found it rather relaxing. Next time we are going to have to pack a picnic lunch and make a day of it.
That's enough of me rambling, enjoy the photos and let me know what you think.
More to follow...

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