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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Almost There

Well, I was hoping that this post would have been the one to announce the birth of our baby girl. No, no, there is no bad news or anything like that. Just the reminder that, no matter how well things are planned out, the unexpected always pops up to cause a delay. you see, on Friday Sharon was supposed to have a caesarian section and the doctor performing the procedure is the best obstetric/gynocological surgeon on the Mid North Coast. Our time wa soriginally at 1:30pm but that got put back to 3pm due to an emergency. Yeah that was ok, we were cool with that, that's normal. Then around 2:30pm, after Sharon had been preped and we were waiting to go for the epidural, we got informed that it wasn't going to happed for us that afternoon. What we were told was the doctor had become unexpectedly unavailable. What we didn't find out until Saturday  was that he was called to perform an emergency procedure in Sydney, around 800km away.

I know that I sound like I'm whining about being inconvenienced, but that couldn't be further from the truth. What I'm trying to get across is that no matter how well planned something is, there is always something that can crop up and totally blow those plans out of the water. The phrase "expect the unexpected" is quite apt for this instance. Also, another phrase comes to mind, and one that I haven't used in around 15 years and that is to let go and let God. It's easy to say now, but when it was happening it was very hard to do. But I did feel God working in us, even in what we thought was our darkest moment.

We are now booked in for the ceasarean section for tomorrow afternoon. And we are praying that we don't get bumped back and by dinnertime we will have welcomed our baby girl into the world.


More to follow...

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