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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Welcome Home...Again

Well, I know that it's been awhile since my last post but Molly had to make a visit back to hospital. Saturday night Molly was admitted to the pediatric ward. She had only slept about 4 hours out of 48 and she was screaming hysterically. Poor little mite. Well, the doctors that looked at her thought it was colic and perhaps reflux. Thankfully after a few days of testing that's all it was.

For the last few days with out Sharon and Molly at home, Maddi and I got to spend some quality time together. We spent our nights missing Sharon and Molly in front of the tv watching Big Bang Theory. Maddi was a real trooper. She missed her mum and baby sister so much.

As for me, technically a first time dad, I became aware that I have a lifetime o worry over what is happening to our little one. And the thing is, I'm looking forward to it. I'm so looking forward to watching our little angel grow and learn. Yes there are going to be lots of tough times when she's sick but they are going to be far outnumbered by all the good times. Bring it on.

More to follow...

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