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Tuesday 20 December 2011

Another Year Comes To A Close

With Christmas only 5 more sleeps away and the New Year only another 6 days following that I have to stop and take stock of the last year that has passed by at what appears to be warp speed. This year has gone passed so quickly that when I think about it my head starts spinning. 

Obviously the biggest thing this year was the birth of my daughter, Molly. She just turned 8 months old this month and I have no idea where all that time went. Sleep deprevation can really mess with your observation of time. She has come so far and grown so much from the tiny little bundle that came into the world way back in April. She brings us so much joy and we are so glad that she has started to sleep through the night with minimal disruption to her sleep. It gives Sharon and I a chance to catch up on some of the sleep that we have lost. 

Maddi joined Scouts. She absolutely loves it. THere's a lot of fundraising going on so we can send troop members that are old enough to the next Australian National Jamboree in 2013. So far we have had quite a few successful events that are going to go a long way to getting all the kids to the Jamboree. Maddi and Scouts area such a good fit. She's going to learn a lot and she is so keen to meet all the achievments that are in the Scout book. 

So with another year drawing to a close, we are looking forward to our next big event, and that's planning our wedding. Sharon and I have sat down with Maddi and asked her if she would like me to adopt her after Sharon and I get married. Maddi responded with giving me a great big hug. Soon after she started using my surname on all her schoolwork. Our location for the wedding and the reception are booked and secured and we also have the photographer booked in as well. Our pastor has been also booked. Phil was so excited when we asked him if he would marry us. Sharon has Maddi as her Maid of Honour, and her bridesmaids are selected. I have my best man, who also asked me to be his best man as well (there's a certain symmetry in that I think). All I need now is another couple of groomsmen and I'm all sorted. Then all we have to do is select a menu and do invitations. 

Next year is looking like another good year


More to follow...

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