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Sunday 22 January 2012


Sitting here listening to the baby monitor for miss Molly to stir and I can't help thinking about the future. I have a beautiful fiancé in Sharon. She loves me unconditionally, has blessed me with 2 beautiful girls and wants to marry me. Sharon, Maddy and Molly have been my rock. Their love has stopped me from going baboon assed crazy at work. I love my 3 girls and have a great desire to provide for them. It's not a need to provide, nor is it an obligation or chore. This desire to provide for my family comes as naturally to me as breathing.

I have gotten to a point where I am no longer content to work for someone else. I have spent my entire working life working for someone else, making money for someone else. The one exception being my time in the Army where I fulfilled my duty to this country that I call home.

I am at a crossroads in my life. Do I want to continue to work for an employer, one that I find no joy in working for, or do I go out on my own and start my own business?? And if I start my own business what will it be? Do I try and get requalified in IT, my original passion and my trade in the Army? Or do I follow my new interest in photography??? I have discovered that I have a knack for taking photos. Sharon encourages me to go and indulge my passion as often as I can. My apparent skill with the camera has even bought me to the attention of the board of my home town rugby league football team, who have approached me to be the team's official photographer for the 2012 season. And if we do go into business for ourselves, do we start from scratch, or do we buy into a franchise? Either way, there is so much risk and no real guarantee for success. Sharon and I have looked at franchise opportunities before and we have either been turned down by the banks for a business loan or the franchise we looked into was just down right dodgy.

My desire remains the same. I will continue to provide for my family no matter what. It's a big decision to make an it scares the hell out of me to go into business for myself but, hey, what adventure isn't without it's risk.

More to follow...

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